
媒体聚焦 | Chinese agencies offer overseas medical treatment

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For the first time since her daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy nine years ago, Yang Lei, from Inner Mongolia, had a clear understanding of the girl’s radiology results after they were carefully explained to her by Japanese doctor.


The scenario is in contrast to her numerous visits to mainland hospitals, including some of the country’s best in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Yang sometimes booked VIP consultations, but still the doctors spent just a few minutes with her.


“Following years of treatment, my daughter still suffered several minor seizures a day which meant she can’t take care of herself,” Yang said. “The mainland’s elite doctors told us that there was no further treatment to improve her condition.”


At the beginning of this year, however, she discovered that epilepsy treatment was more advanced in Japan and the United States, which rekindled her hope. Through the help of a medical services agency, Yang made an appointment for her nine-year-old daughter at the National Centre of Neurology and Psychiatry in Tokyo in mid-May.


The girl had a thorough examination and was prescribed drugs. The family will return to Japan in mid-June to see if she qualifies for surgery.


As the mainland becomes more affluent and has more contact with the outside world, more people like Yang are heading abroad for better medical treatment.


One area of high demand has been among cancer patients. According to the National Cancer Prevention and Research Centre in Beijing, the five-year survival rate of Chinese patients is 30 per cent, half that of patients in the US.


This had been a boon to agents who introduced mainland patients to foreign hospitals and clinics, said Wang Gang, president of the Hope Noah Company in Beijing.


The company’s business has grown by half annually in the past few years, and in April they signed contracts with nearly 60 new clients.


The company charges 98,000 yuan (HK$124,000) for its first week of service which includes booking appointments with overseas hospitals, translating medical records, applying for visas, arranging airport pickups, providing accommodation and accompanying patients. They charge 30,000 yuan per week thereafter.


Most of Hope Noah’s clients are seeking treatment for serious conditions such as cancer or heart disease. But other patients were heading offshore for advanced pharmaceuticals that were still a decade away from approval for sale in China due to government red tape.


“A lot of my clients with hepatitis C go to the US to get orally administered drugs that are believed to offer a 90 per cent chance of a cure. Chinese doctors still rely on the traditional method involving interferons [which have multiple side-effects],” he said.

“我公司的许多丙肝患者去美国寻求治愈率能达到90%的口服药。中国医生依靠的仍是传统的疗法,包括干扰素(有很多副作用)。” 他说道。

Other drawcards were a more “humane” level of service and tailored medical treatments, in contrast to China’s cramped hospitals and overworked medical staff.


Yang said the Japanese hospital left her with a good impression. “Doctors and nurses there really care for us and I think they deeply hope my girl can recover.”


She said the cost there was not that much more than at home. One radiology test cost about 30,000 yuan in Japan, on par with one her daughter took at a major hospital in Guangzhou.


Competition within the sector was fierce, with dozens of newcomers emerging in recent years, especially fuelled by capital markets that sensed the growth potential of the industry.


Mass General had about 100 Chinese patients last year, 10 times as many as in 2011, the Boston Globe quoted Dr Andrew Warshaw, former chief of surgery who heads international and regional clinical relations for the hospital, as saying.

波士顿环球报引用曾负责国际和地区临床关系的前外科主任Andrew Warshaw的话:去年麻省总医院接待了约100名中国患者,是2011年的10倍。

But the industry is not without risk. CCTV reported that a domestic agency charged one Shandong patient with eye problems 600,000 yuan for translating his medical records and contacting an American hospital. The agency later told him to remit 10 million yuan for “treatment bills”, saying the hospital said the illness could be completely cured. The man realised it was a con and didn’t pay the second instalment.




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